Monday, April 03, 2006

As A Matter of Fact, We Did Get a Trophy

From The Poor Man Institute:

Kaye Grogan, Friday:
Let me say a big AMEN! . . . to Rep. Dana Rohrabacher of California, for suggesting that prisoners pick the crops in the United States. This is an excellent idea to make prisoners productive.

Since the taxpayers are already footing the bill for thousands and thousands of incarcerated prisoners — we wouldn’t be burdened with billions of dollars (draining our economy) adding millions of illegal immigrants (trying to take over our country) if we put prisoners in the “picking” crops’ business. […]

“We are all immigrants” has just about run its course. Every country started with immigrants, and they would not put up with millions of Mexicans or any other nationality trying to invade and take over their territory — so why is America expected to take in everybody from rogue nations?

Are we getting a gigantic trophy for being the most stupid country in the world?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Are we getting a gigantic trophy for being the most stupid country in the world?

No. Our elected officials do what they do without any thought of reward.

3:13 PM  

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