Three Deaths
- I was on vacation last week to beautiful Cape Fear region of North Carolina (specifically Carolina Beach), so I missed the opportunity to say anything about Enron founder Kenneth Lay'sdeath from a heart attack on July 5, 2006. It appears he beat the rap.
I hope this is not too disrespectful of the living or the dead, but Ken Lay always reminded me of veteran comedian Tim Conway, of McHale's Navy and the Carol Burnett Show.

- Syd Barrett, one of the founders of Pink Floyd, died July 11, 2006. Syd's mental deterioration (presumably due to drugs) led to his being forced out of the band, and inspired the album Wish You Were Here. The songs "Wish You Were Here" and "Shine on You Crazy Diamond" were both addressed to Syd, as I understand it.
- Fred Epstein, a surgeon known for his innovative and aggressive treatment of brain and spinal tumors in children, died July 11, as well. I had never heard of him, until someone got all up in arms about Syd Barrett getting more publicity than Fred Epstein. He sounds like he was a wonderful human being.
As I understand it, Syd Barrett had underlying psychological issues which the consumption of hallucinogens did not help but also did not cause.
Was Cape Fear as depicted here, here, or perhaps here?
You should have left the pictures uncaptioned.
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